Sunday, 17 June 2012

How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie ?

Facebook Timeline changes how you present your life-story on the Web; some treat it like an online diary while others can create a simple yet beautiful collage of real-life stories. But Timeline still uses the classic web view — you still have to do plenty of scrolling to see the rest of the story.
timelinemoviemaker How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]
What if you can change the experience, make your Timeline move on its own or better yet, turn it into a movie? Add a little background music for that extra feel and experience, and let the story of your life roll out frame by frame. You can do this with the help of the web application Timeline Movie Maker.
Preparing Your Timeline Movie
Preparing your Timeline movie is easy, and even after the movie is completed, you can change the background music as well as the photos that appear in the movie.

1. Make Your Movie

To start off, go to the Timeline Movie Maker homepage and click on the ‘Make Your Movie’ button.
makeyourmovie How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]

2. Facebook Login

Click on the button ‘Log in with Facebook’ to proceed.
loginfacebook How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]

3. Processing

Right after you have logged in with Facebook and allowed the access to your Timeline, the Timeline Movie Maker will process and prepare your movies. It will take around a minute or less.
processing How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]

Watch Your Timeline Movie

When the movie is ready, it will autoplay. Just relax and enjoy your Timeline movie.
play How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]
At the end of the movie, you will have an option to replay, or share it with your friends.
replay How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]
Not only that, you also get to remake your movie with changes. You are allowed to change the music background as well as photos that appear in the movie.
remake How To Make Your Own Facebook Timeline Movie [Quicktip]


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