Sunday, 17 June 2012

How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book ?

Twitter lets you post very short updates of a maximum of 140 characters each, and over time, these tweets become an interesting snapshot of our daily lives. However, there is one very apparent problem with Twitter. It simply moves too fast and the scrolling makes it hard to read all your previous tweets.
Twournal How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
There are many ways to document your Twitter data, be it in an infographic or even extracts of tweets in the form of analytic reports. But would it be more interesting if you could document your every single tweet in a book?
Twournal is here to make that possible. You can now read your own tweets like you would read a real book. Twournal (Twitter Journal) is a third-party Twitter application that uses Twitter API, to transform your last 3,200 tweets into a published format. You can then choose to print your Twournal into a PDF ebook which is free, or turn it into a physical book for $20, which you can hold in your two hands.

1. Sign In With Twitter

To convert your Tweets into book form, firstly, go to the Twournal website and click on the button ‘Sign in with Twitter’.
signin twournal How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
As usual, Twitter will need you to authorize access before you can proceed to use the service offered by Twournal. Simply click on the button ‘Sign In’ to proceed.
authorize twournal How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]

2. Customize Your Options

Once you have authorized the access, you will be directed to a page where you will be able to customize your printing options.
customize twournal How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
The basic options are split into three categories, and they are ‘Features’, ‘Customize it’ and ‘Sell’.
  1. In ‘Features’ you will see a few options, such as the choice to add a picture in the printing, or add replies to your tweets, etc. Note that these replies are from your followers to you. Before completion, don’t forget to include your email address at the bottom of the page.
    Features How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
  2. ‘Customize it’ will give you more options to customize your book. Not only can you set the cover design, you get to specifically set how your tweets should appear: by year or by ID. And yes, you can even set a dedication in your book of tweets.
    customizeit How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
  3. And finally, you actually have the option of selling your Twournal to make a profit out of it. Fill up the form to have this option.
    Sellit How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]

3. Complete The Print Order

After you have completed the customization to suit your needs, click on the ‘Finish’ button.
sell How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
Then you will be redirected to a preview page of your own ebook. In this page, you will have the option to buy and deliver the printed book to your doorstep; otherwise, select ‘Send me my eBook’ to direct a copy to your email address.
print twournal How To Convert Your Tweets Into A Published Book [Quicktip]
Please note that you will not get your ebook immediately, give it 24 hours to turn up in your Inbox.


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